HS International Curriculum

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HS International Curriculum

The Humanities option is a unique opportunity in the Pavia area that allows students to obtain the passport for success in Italian and foreign universities. It runs parallel to the Linguistic High School path and follows a dual curriculum, Italian and British, enabling students to continue their university studies in Italy or abroad by taking the IGCSE exams in subjects studied in English and obtaining the AICE diploma or 3 A levels.

We named it Humanities because it will allow the study of language and literature, in addition to modern History, directly in English. The following chart compares the teaching hours in Italian compared to foreign languages.

Liceo Linguistico | Humanities

Here are some of our characteristics:
- Scientific and humanistic subjects taught directly in the English language (for IGCSE)
- Achievement of 7 IGCSE qualifications
- As & A-Levels in linguistic and humanistic subjects
- Attainment of the AICE diploma
- Sharing of the workload between students and teachers
- Cultural and linguistic exchanges abroad
- Networking with Italian and foreign universities
- Digital innovation
- Counseling service for students and families
- Alternative emotional education laboratory as an alternative to Religion.

Liceo Linguistico | Humanities

The educational objectives focus on international certifications of the core curriculum languages studied. Other exams are related to the Cambridge curriculum and are associated with subjects taught in the language.

The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) certificates are internationally recognized and equivalent to the British GCSEs obtained by students at the end of compulsory education, around the age of 16. Preparation courses for IGCSEs begin in the first year of high school and are related to the proposed disciplines. Students enrolling in our Linguistic High School, with the additional international program, attend preparation courses aimed at obtaining Cambridge IGCSEs between May/June of the 2nd year and November of the 3rd year.

Achieving good results in IGCSEs is a fundamental prerequisite for continuing the educational path to As & A-Levels.

**CAMBRIDGE As & A-levels**
Students who pass the IGCSE exams can continue their studies with the goal of taking the As & A-Level exams. In their second year, students following the HUMANITIES curriculum, if deemed eligible, will take exams for core subjects such as English Literature, History, Spanish Literature. With the addition of the As level in Global Perspectives and 1 scientific As Level, they will obtain the 7 credits required for the AICE diploma or have the option to obtain 3 As & A-Levels.

Liceo Linguistico | Humanities

The subjects follow both the Italian and British equal curriculum.

Optional As & A levels
In case a student wishes to add additional courses related to other subjects to undertake As & A levels, the School reserves the right to evaluate the request.

Liceo Linguistico | Humanities

At the end of the international program (by the fourth year of high school), students will have the opportunity to continue their studies at universities that recognize AS & A levels as direct access qualifications for enrolment (e.g., Italy, England, America, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and many other nations). This recognition is achieved by successfully completing exams related to subjects studied in English in accordance with the Cambridge International Curriculum. Additionally, students can conclude the parallel path by taking the Italian linguistic high school diploma exam.

Liceo Linguistico | Humanities

Our typical day is structured in the following manner:

Liceo Linguistico | Humanities

We are a Cambridge school, and the AS & A-level exams take place within our institution. Students will take the exams for the AICE diploma by the fourth year of high school.

Students can also choose to take the Italian high school diploma exam. As a parity school, the state exam is conducted within our institution. With the state diploma issued by the Linguistic High School of the International School of Pavia, students can access all university faculties. Due to the courses taken in English during the school cycle, there will be enhanced mathematical and scientific competencies in both English and Italian.

Liceo Linguistico | Humanities

Educational trips have a strong didactic and educational importance and make up part of the annual programming. Each year, students are involved in at least two experiences abroad visiting partner schools.

Liceo Linguistico | Humanities

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